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About Sound Therapy Studio

We’d like to present our unique Studio which is designed to improve mood, increase efficiency, and provide an opportunity for meditation and relaxation. In the Studio, you’ll find collections of original mixes of music and binaural beats along with a variety of audio affirmations.

By using these mixes, you can quickly achieve desired results, and by listening to a selection of audio affirmations, you can program yourself for success! We also offer the opportunity to create your own mix using our onboard Mixer. You can save those songs to your profile that you listen to regularly, or purchase and download them to your device.

Binaural beats can be used to relax and improve well-being. You can use them for sound therapy during sleep, when you’re awake and in need of extra energy, or even when you’re just feeling down. Whatever the reason you’d like to try our Studio, you’ll find everything you need for spiritual development and improving your well-being.

About Binaural Beats

The theory of binaural beats is based on the finding that if we expose the brain to a signal at a certain frequency, this signal will resonate with the corresponding brain rhythm, which will lead in turn to an increase in the corresponding state of consciousness. If the frequency is used continuously for at least 7 minutes, the brain rhythm will naturally synchronize with it.

To listen to binaural beats, you must use headphones which transmit sound independently to each ear. Each tone will differ slightly in frequency, resulting in a “beat” that you will hear. The difference between the sounds in Hertz (Hz) determines the effect of the beats on your brainwaves. It is known that the activity of brain neurons manifests as waves and beats that can be seen on an electroencephalogram as alpha, beta and gamma rhythms (and so forth). The various rhythms replace each other depending on what the person is doing at the moment.

Below is a general list of differences between the frequencies of binaural beats and the effects they produce. It’s important to choose the frequency of binaural beats according to your needs in order to get the best result:

  • Delta waves: Less than 4 Hz; deep sleep without dreams, loss of body sensation.
  • Theta waves: 4–7 Hz; deep meditation, sleep.
  • Alpha waves: 7–13 Hz; relaxation during wakefulness, nap, “fast sleep”.
  • Beta waves: 13–40 Hz; active concentration, excitement, paranoia.
  • Gamma waves: More than 40 Hz; increased mental activity, problem solving.

Stimulation with binaural beats is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • People suffering from epilepsy, arrhythmia and other heart diseases.
  • People with pacemakers.
  • People with severe mental disorders.
  • People who take psychoactive drugs or use alcohol.
  • Pregnant women and children up to 16 years old.

How to use Binaural Beats

Follow these simple rules to listen to binaural beats with the best results:

  • Always use headphones – for binaural beats to work, you need to listen to different frequencies in each ear.
  • Make sure you choose the right binaural beats. Different frequencies produce different effects, so make sure you listen to the correct binaural beats to get the effect you need. For example, if you want to improve sleep quality, select delta binaural beats. If you want to improve concentration, select an alpha rhythm.
  • Be patient — binaural beats don’t change your brainwaves. If you want to get good results from them, give yourself time. The time and frequency of sessions will depend on your inner feelings. Start with 10-15 minutes a day, and then increase your time gradually each day. Don’t listen to several different songs in a row at first, since music listening is designed primarily for inner work and meditation.

The easiest way to start listening to binaural beats is to play them at a low volume while relaxing. Try taking a nap when listening to alpha waves or select delta or theta waves for a deep night’s sleep.

Using binaural beats to enhance your mood. If you are comfortable listening to binaural beats while you sleep, try listening to them while you are awake as well. Listen to beta or gamma waves while running and see if your performance increases.

Mix the binaural beats with background noise (optional). Some people don’t like the sound of binaural beats in their pure form. To get around this problem, binaural beats can be mixed with pleasant music or nature sounds. In doing this, the beat is not so pronounced but it is still audible and effective.

If you feel that you aren’t comfortable listening to the binaural beats with a frequency of 8 Hz, then try 11 Hz and 12 Hz and see what suits you best. You may have to listen to several different tracks before you find the one that you prefer. Lie down and try listening to alpha waves first. If they don’t help you relax, then gradually go to theta, and then to the delta waves, until you finally feel better.

You can use binaural beats for meditation. It can take decades to learn how to meditate properly if you don’t do it when listening to binaural beats. However, a beat with a frequency of 5 Hz to 8 Hz can help you reach your desired state of mind much more quickly.

Wave Types

Below is a general list of differences between the frequencies of binaural beats and the effects they produce. It’s important to choose the frequency of binaural beats according to your needs in order to get the best result:

  • Delta waves: Less than 4 Hz; deep sleep without dreams, loss of body sensation.
  • Theta waves: 4–7 Hz; deep meditation, sleep.
  • Alpha waves: 7–13 Hz; relaxation during wakefulness, nap, “fast sleep”.
  • Beta waves: 13–40 Hz; active concentration, excitement, paranoia.
  • Gamma waves: More than 40 Hz; increased mental activity, problem solving.

Alpha waves

How Alpha rhythms (7-13 Hz) affect us:

  • 7-10 Hz – Super-learning, learning new information
  • 10 Hz – Increased serotonin production, improvement of general condition, mood, removal of headache and other pain
  • 11 Hz – Relaxed state of consciousness
  • 12 Hz – Emotional stability
  • 11-13 Hz – Increased concentration
  • 12-13 Hz – Improvement in the ability to learn passive information

What are Alpha rhythms?

Alpha rhythms occur in the range of 7-13 Hz, and are generated by our brain during the process of synchronization of the right and left hemispheres. They are activated when our brain is completely relaxed and we’re at rest. You know the “mystery” of television, and how we sometimes cannot tear ourselves away from it? Many programs use alpha rhythms, which is why TV relaxes us and draws us in involuntarily.

Alpha meditation is the simplest form of meditation, which anyone can master without exception. Alpha rhythms are dominant in all people during childhood, and their frequency then decreases with age. Most modern people have an alpha rhythm “deficiency”. Therefore, alpha meditation is considered the safest and most useful of all the different brainwave patterns.

Beta waves

What are Beta rhythms?

Beta rhythms indicate high brain activity and are usually produced in the left hemisphere of the brain. Beta waves occur when we are engaging in logical thinking or when we’re under stress. The beta state of the brain is considered normal while we’re actively engaged in mental activity, problem-solving or doing work. Beta activity of the brain is considered normal for a healthy person. Theta and alpha rhythms dominate in most teens, as well as some adults. In this case, setting the brain to a beta rhythm will allow a “miracle” to occur – you suddenly find it easier to think and to solve certain problems. When used properly, beta rhythms can be useful.

The positive effects of Beta rhythms:

  • The ability to think quickly
  • Achieve high concentration
  • Problem solving
  • Increased I.Q.
  • Improved sociability
  • Increased levels of vital energy

When to listen to Beta rhythms:

This is desirable only in the daytime. It is strictly not recommended to listen to beta rhythms at night, since this can lead to a complete loss of sleep as well as anxiety and paranoia.

Gamma waves

How Gamma rhythms (40-120 Hz) affect us:

Gamma rhythms are the highest frequency rhythms of the brain. In the course of numerous studies, gamma rhythms have been observed during the active thinking process. The higher the frequency of these rhythms, the better we can remember this or that information. During deep sleep, brain gamma rhythms disappear completely; they return the moment we wake up again from sleep.

The positive effects of Gamma rhythms:

  • improvement of mental and creative abilities
  • increased productivity
  • expansion of the working range of brain rhythms
  • improved concentration
  • improved ability to process information
  • improved ability to memorize information
  • powerful stimulation of the ability to think logically
  • a significant improvement in intuition, the ability to process a large amount of information “at a glance”

Start at 10-15 minutes a day and gradually adjust your listening time to 1 hour. It is recommended that you listen to gamma rhythms only during the day, since listening to gamma rhythms at night will lead to a loss of sleep.

Delta waves

How delta rhythms (0.9-4 Hz) affect us.

Delta rhythms are the slowest rhythms of our brain; they are dominant at the moment a person enters a state of deep sleep. Delta meditation is therefore a great way to prepare your body for recovery during sleep.

Delta rhythms occur when our brain is in its most relaxed state and directly connected to our unconscious. Delta rhythms occur in the range from 0.9 to 4 Hz, and have the greatest amplitude compared to other rhythms. Our brain works during sleep at this frequency.

Positive effects of delta rhythms:

  • State of rest
  • Restoration and rejuvenation of the body
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Connection with the subconscious, development of intuition
  • Connection with the etheric body
  • Improved astral exit ability

The best time to listen to delta rhythms is just before going to bed, since it’s at this time that the organism is most receptive to them. This doesn’t mean that delta stimulation can’t be used at any other time of the day, but it will have the most beneficial effect just prior to bedtime.

Theta waves

How theta rhythms (4-7 Hz) affect us:

The impact of theta waves on the brain leads to improved memory. Meditative practices during theta wave exposure bring more vivid impressions, and it is easier to enter a state of self-hypnosis; dreams become brighter and more diverse. Theta waves represent the boundary between your conscious and subconscious mind, and allow us to access free associations, unexpected insights and creative ideas.

The theta state is extremely useful for humans – it is there that the processes of healing and self-regulation of the body are most easily activated. While in theta state, we are free from fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions. It is in this state that we regain our harmony, sense of integrity, and joy.

Positive effects of theta rhythms:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Healing of body and mind
  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Deep level of relaxation
  • Emotional connection
  • Enhanced intuition
  • High level of creativity
  • Programming of the subconscious
  • Increased learning ability
  • Strengthening of long-term memory.

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Sound Therapy Studio

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Sound Therapy Studio

The unique Studio for creating happy and successful life!
